the black heart procession

Category: By the bug

the standells

Category: By the bug

the small faces

Category: By the bug

killed by death

Category: By the bug

Hardly anything is known about this cassette except that it's rectangular. The Death Killers is a brother / sister duo. A six year old vocalist and lyricist, who also named the band, and her thirteen (?) year old brother providing the music

The Death Killers


The Real Punks Romana

ο αρχιδιστης

Στο 3ο τεύχος ο «Αρχιδιστής» κινείται ανάμεσα σε δύο πόλους, την αφήγηση και το λυρισμό. Θελήσαμε να δώσουμε τα τραγούδια όσο πιο λιτά γινόταν από ενορχηστρωτική άποψη, έτσι ώστε να υπάρχει η αίσθηση του εσωτερικού τραγουδιού που ψιθυρίζουμε στο μυαλό μας. Αντίθετα προς αυτή την εσωτερική ηχητική απλότητα, την αφήγηση θελήσαμε να την επενδύσουμε με ρυθμούς και ήχους ασύμμετρους.


this mortal coil

Category: By the bug


"Έτσι ήταν εκείνα τα παλιά τα χρόνια, δεν ήταν άσχημα, τουλάχιστον όσο σκοτεινά είναι σήμερα, είμασταν όλη μέρα ξάπλα στο κρεβάτι, και όταν είχαμε γονόρροια, δεν μπορούσαμε να πηδηχτούμε για μέρες, τουλάχιστον έτσι έλεγε ο γιατρός, και επίσης έκτρωση δεν χρειάστηκε ποτέ... Αυτά τα χρόνια πέρασαν... Αλλά και τί δεν θα 'δινα, να ξαναδώ το μπουρδέλο όπου μέναμε τότε.."

Οι παραπάνω ...απείρου κάλλους στίχοι τραγουδισμένοι με αντρικά φωνητικά απαθή και αποστασιοποιημένα... Ακορντεόν, μυστήρια ηλεκτρονικά, βόμβοι, συχνότητες, ατμόσφαιρα παρακμιακού καμπαρέ (post-industrial καμπαρέ διάβασα κάπου και πολύ μου άρεσε), μια δόση ομοφυλοφιλικού αισθησιασμού και ολίγη από διαστροφή για καρύκευμα... Και όλα αυτά από ένα μουσικό σχήμα που στο παρελθόν είχε επηρεαστεί τόσο πολύ από την ...scatology ώστε είχε κυκλοφορήσει ένα EP σε 99 μόλις (συλλεκτικά προφανώς) αντίτυπα με ένα εξώφυλλο χρωματισμένο με ...περιττώματα ("Toilet Chant" ο εύγλωττος τίτλος)!!

Τι σας φέρνουν όλα αυτά στο νου; Coil; Δεν απέχετε από την πραγματικότητα! Το Ελβετικό δίδυμο που κρύβεται πίσω από το όνομα Black Sun Productions (Massimo και Pierce λέγονται τα περήφανα αγόρια, πρώην μάλιστα εργάτες της βαριάς βιομηχανίας του σεξ!) όχι μόνο ακολουθούν τα χνάρια της καινοτόμας μπάντας αλλά έχουν συνεργαστεί και μαζί τους παλιότερα (στο "Plastic spider thing"). Αλλά και στον δίσκο που παρουσιάζουμε έχουμε μια από τις τελευταίες μουσικές συνεισφορές των Coil στο "Last wish", όπου η His Masters Voice του μακαρίτη Jhon Balance ακούγεται στοιχειωτική, σαν μέσα από παλιό γραμμόφωνο.

Ο δίσκος είναι ουσιαστικά ένα tribute στα ποιήματα του Berthold Brecht. Προσωπικά έχω μια μεγάλη επιφύλαξη στα κάθε λογής tribute, ειδικά όταν μιλάμε για χιλιοδιασκευασμένο καλλιτέχνη όπως στην εν λόγω περίπτωση (όχι άλλα September songs!). Αλλά και κακοπαθημένο επίσης... O Brecht έπεσε στα χέρια της αρτηριοσκληρωτικής αριστεράς και στα προκρούστεια "πρέπει" και τις ετοιματζίδικες ερμηνείες. Ευτυχώς η συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση ξεφεύγει (και εσκεμμένα πιστεύω) από τις δαγκάνες αυτές. Κατ' αρχήν δεν έχουν επιλέξει τα λαοφιλή hit του Weil. Με την εξαίρεση της Τζέννυς των πειρατών, η οποία όμως εδώ γίνεται αγνώριστη. Στο όραμα τους αυτό, εκλεκτοί καλεσμένοι τους συνδράμουν, όπως ο H.R. Giger, o Fabrizio Palumbo (των Larsen) και το "αρπακτικό" Lydia Lunch (σε μια μάλλον άψυχα προτυποποιημένη ερμηνεία όμως).

Πέρα από την εκπληκτικά κυνική "Μπαλάντα του νταβατζή" ("Pimp ballad") ξεχωρίζουν επίσης: το χρωματισμένο με ένα υποβλητικό τσέλλο "Brothel tango", το οποίο τιμά και σαν τίτλος την καταγωγή του tango που πριν γίνει ο must χορός της μεγαλοαστικής τάξης ήταν ο χορός των μπουρδέλων του Μπουένος Άιρες καθώς και η συγκινητική μονωδία του Massimo στο "La canzone dei pendagli da forca" συνοδευόμενος από ένα έρημο πιάνο και κρωγμούς κορακιών. Και μπορεί κάποια από τα κύρια χαρακτηριστικά της ποίησης του Brecht να είναι παρόντα, όπως η ατμόσφαιρα παρακμής (μην ξεχνάμε ότι o ίδιος ο Brecht δημιουργούσε τις εποχές του Μεσοπόλεμου, της παρακμιακής δημοκρατίας της Βαϊμάρης που γέννησε λίγο αργότερα το έκτρωμα του φασισμού) και το χιούμορ, αλλά η συνολική ματιά των Black Sun Productions είναι φρέσκια, πρωτότυπα αυθαίρετη και δημιουργικά άπιστη στο πνεύμα του. Ο Μπερτόλδος (ας μου επιτραπεί να υποθέσω) θα ήταν υπερήφανος...

Και μια ωραία σύμπτωση... Ένας άλλος δίσκος ο οποίος σεβάστηκε το έργο Brecht ξεφεύγοντας και αυτός από την πεπατημένη, ήταν έργο των επίσης Ελβετών θορυβολάγνων Young Gods… Να λοιπόν η "άλλη" Ελβετία πέρα από τις τράπεζες, τις σοκολάτες και τα πολυτελή σαλέ...MIC-Αντωνης Ξαγας



Category: By the bug

The Crawl
On his third outing for the Secretly Canadian label, Dave Fischoff moves further away from the delicate, lo-fi indie-rock of his debut (WINSTON PARK), venturing far into sample-driven electronica territory. The result is a densely layered album that often recalls likeminded artist Caribou in its balance of near-whispered vocals, pop melody, and adventurous glitch-hop arrangements, as exemplified by the synth-heavy "Landscape Skin" and the chiming "Ghost of an Afternoon."


Tramp Symphony

Category: By the bug


Category: By the bug

ash ra tempel

Category: By the bug

Rock's Big Bottom

Category: By the bug

..πολυ πριν τους Radiohead οι θεοι Spinal Tap ειχαν κυκλοφορησει το single τους Back From The Dead μονο μεσω διαδυκτιου...Smell The Glove Motherfuckers!!!!!



Category: By the bug

Beach Head

Sun, surf, and self-hypnosis: all the core particles for a perfect Pacific zone dream-day/daydream. And Beach Head is the soundtrack, in case you were wondering. Hot on the heels of May's masterful coconut-dub Boat Trip EP comes Magic Lantern-bearer Cameron Stallone's latest loner luau under the Sun Araw umbrella, and it's an equatorial escape of the highest order. Unlike his NNF debut, The Phynx, Beach Head drops the drones and cosmic distortion (for the most part) in favor of slippery banana peel smoke stacks, undulating tropical hallucinations, and crystal/coastal moods. Waves, rare birds, and swaying palms cameo in the background. Across the LP's four snaky rhythm reveries Stallones maps a loose, blissed void of voice, island bass-lines, and shimmering sunset electricity, inviting all to drift in and float on. Its a total hit parade, top to bottom, might as well glue it to the turntable and weld the whole rig into yr yellow convertible and park that shit in the sand. Fans of Ducktails, imaginary Jimmy Buffet demos, and long walks on the beach will sleep easy on this grass mat.


Category: By the bug

murdering the classixxx

Category: By the bug

motown meltdown

"A few months ago we were introduce to a special collection of discs called the Motown Master Recordings Karaoke by Singing Machine. Each of these extraordinary discs contains '8 classic hits by the original artists.' Why are they extraordinary? For one, these are original Motown recordings! But it gets better.. The first 8 tracks are separated stereo channels, left and right. The left side; the instrumental, the right, isolated vocals all from the original sessions! "


Category: By the bug

analog mike

Category: By the bug

Yummy Puffy Mommy Yoni

check here
Mike Kelley performs ethereal melodies on the Alesis QS6.1 electric keyboard. Trip the light fantastic to 26 tracks including "Outer Rink Magnifique", "Vanginus", "Curling Flakes in Eternal Haze" and "Panting Mancini."


ντισκο ντεβιλ

By the bug

κι αλλο κολημα...




By the bug

διαβασαμε για αυτο εδω...ψαξαμε,το βρηκαμε,το ακουσαμε και
κολησαμε τρελα!!

χιπι ντανς


Category: By the bug


Category: By the bug

guru jazzmatazz

Category: By the bug

σον λι και κλατσι χοπκινς

By the bug

Hey Dad,No Posts Today...

Category: By the bug

Today...Is My Birthday!

angel eyes(a song for my daughter)


Category: By the bug

mashed up/pogo

Mike in Mono is the solo venture by Michael Johnston of Plone fame (Warp).



Category: By the bug


An aural journey from the source of the river, in the high peak area of the Adirondacks, downstream to the Lower Bay and the Atlantic Ocean; Lockwood traces the course of the Hudson through on-site recordings of its flow at 15 separate locations. Annea Lockwood has recorded rivers in many countries to explore the special state of mind and body which the sounds of moving water create when one listens intently to the complex mesh of rhythms and pitches. The listener will find that each stretch of the Hudson has its own sonic texture, formed by the terrain, varying according to the weather, the season and downstream, the human environment whose sounds are intimately woven into the river's sounds.


the reverend preaches the gospel according to..

Category: By the bug

from the one that cut you & car radio jerome

Somewhere in an alternate universe, the illegitimate love-child of Charles Manson and Bobby Darin was channelled through the spirit of Elvis... and the result was the music of the Reverend Dr. Fred Lane. "From the One That Cut You" is unquestionably one of finest examples of life-altering dementia ever recorded. I cannot recommend it highly enough. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll flee in stark, raving, Lovecraftian terror.


Category: By the bug

Marshall Crenshaw is yet another one of those pop craftsmen who's content being a critic's darling. The bespectacled Crenshaw draws not unwarranted comparisons to Elvis Costello. Both came to prominence in the '80s with guns blazing refurbished '50s and '60s rock 'n' roll smarts and a lively countenance (in contrast to the dinosaur dust of '70s guitar rock).Crenshaw's 1982 self-titled debut, is a hopeful, twangy bit of pop bliss that relies on a Buddy Holly-esque simplicity. He's a devotee of traditional rock 'n' roll forms who defies the retro tag with smart lyrics that never opt for mere cleverness.




one for the heart...

Category: By the bug

meloncholy pop, for the bruised of heart and deep in thought; "moody and artist reaching an impressive musical maturity." - john schacht,




Category: By the bug

john coltrane

Category: By the bug

δυσκολο...πολυ δυσκολο!!!
πλησιαστε(κατεβαστε) με προσοχη...



she's a star

Category: By the bug

cane 141

Category: By the bug


Category: By the bug

cannonball adderley

Category: By the bug

the passion of chris.....

Category: By the bug

gilad atzmon

Category: By the bug

haunted youth

Category: By the bug

in search of vina asiki

....δυο Γαλλοι τρελλοι και παλαβοι με τις Ελληνικες βιντεοταινιες
των 80's κυκλοφορησαν μια σειρα κασσετων που περιεχουν
τραγουδια με σχετικους με την ''φαση'' τιτλους...



Is this a record? As the first full-length documentation of Alan Tomlinson since his 1980 solo LP issued by Bead and the 1986 FERALS (with Hugh Davies, Phil Minton & Roger Turner) on Leo, it must be. Most of you will know about Roger Turner, who has appeared on several recordings, and about Steve Beresford, who has appeared on even more. But Alan Tomlinson might be a less familiar name - though you should check out the Emanem CDs of THE ALL ANGELS CONCERTS (4209) and the London Improvisers Orchestra's PROCEEDINGS (4201) for more. (He has also been recorded with John Stevens, Kahondo Style, Peter Brφtzmann, and the London Jazz Composers' Orchestra.)

If this IS a record, it's a varied one. Try N1, for example, where someone trapped inside a trombone is pleading to be let out - a kind of demented speaking in tongues. Or EC3, which at times sounds like the Sabre Dance remixed by Xenakis. Or N2, a subdued and faintly unhappy track, where the sounds blend so closely that it's hard to know who's to blame.

On other tracks, AT can invoke the lugubrious dignity of English brass band music, he can move instantaneously from a murmur to a howl and back again, he can play off the acoustics of the room by whirling round on one heel and spraying sounds in all directions, he can play tunefully and with immense power. He is as alert to the comic potential of all that sliding about as he is to the most advanced techniques.

If I mention AT particularly, it's only because of his rarity value. The recording is a group creation - all three appear on all tracks. It's intriguing that when three such strong players are given their freedom, the music is often so quiet and subtle. This is not a music which tries to pass off stamina as inventiveness, and you never feel that time is being filled up for the sake of it. All the same, it's edge-of-the-seat stuff, really.

If you're not familiar with the group's music, you have some catching up to do. Get on with it, then - you won't regret it. And if you come across a copy of AT's Bead record, don't hesitate. He was excellent then, and he has persisted in his folly in the decades since. A reissue is called for - but in the meanwhile there's this, and the other Emanem CDs. Things are looking up.


trap stree



Category: By the bug


The Blurring of Trees is simultaneously jarring and sublime, with enough elements going on to ensure that repeated listening is both a necessity and a pleasure. Absolutely stunning and one of the most solid releases on the Planet Mu imprint to date. ~ Rob Theakston, All Music Guide


tijuana mon amour broadcasting inc.


shuji talks...

Category: By the bug

"Before a small audience in the Five Pennies club in Tottori, Japan, Shuji Inaba performs
his first song in a whisper verging on the inaudible. An explosion of raw acoustic guitar
heralds the onset of the next. His antecedents would include the stylised chanting of
medieval epics over the violently struck biwa lute." - The Wire

"First two tracks, coming from the depth of silence, breaking with the aggression of
sound creation, with wood-guitar and a fire-with-words, it puts you as listener in an
uneasy position of confronting a naked truth. After having broken this moment, and the
tension becomes complete attention, a poetic fragility finds its place, like leaves on
wood, and with fire extinguished by lifeforce.

Although the musical complexity is in a minimal musical form, the emotional intensity
gives this a very complete & rewarding expression. It does not matter if we don’t
understand the words, because here the voice speaks in tongues. For those who wish to
follow the content, the poems have been translated in English in the booklet. A release
where you have to give yourself time to get into the performance’ scope." - Japanese
Progressive Music

The Rapture of Being Destroyed is the Flipside of the Misery of Destruction



Category: By the bug

Firewire are Frederic Stader -aka Din ST (Tresor), DJ Maxximus (Warp), Fever (DHR) and Carl Crack – the late founder member of Atari Teenage Riot (DHR). Frederic Stader and Carl Crack met sometime during the 90s in Cologne at a ”Cosmic Orgasm“ rave. Back then, Frederic was working on a project called ”Fever“ (later on DHR), Carl was the voice of Atari Teenage Riot. They got along well and worked on ideas together, on and off. Some years down the line, the idea of a common project became more and more important to both of them. They started recording. Then, in 2001, Carl Crack died tragically and infamously, the project ground to an unexpected halt. Frederic eventually picked up the pieces, vocal recordings and fragmented ideas to finish off this incredible set of tracks. A tribute to a lost friend. ” A Tribute To The Manzini“, a release which has been approved by Carl’s family, is a short but intense journey through a long forgotten world of distorted soul. Something you would not neccessarily expect if you are familiar with both Frederic’s and Carl’s former work. From the haunting beauty of ”Open Ur Eyes“, via the disturbing, Acid-infected 2-step error of ”4 Ever“ to the monstreous intensity of ”No Exit“, each and every track remains a unique example of two exceptional musicians working together on something from deep within. An unusual release for CCO you might think. But this is another story. R.I.P Carl Crack.BOOMKAT

a tribute to the manzini


nightmare theater

Category: By the bug

To 'Hidden Cinema Soundtrack' είναι ένα φανταστικό μουσικό ταξίδι. Περιγράφει εικόνες καθημερινές, λεπτομέρειες της ζωής, γαλήνια πρωινά, νυχτερινούς περιπάτους, αλλά σύντομα αφήνει τον περιβάλλοντα εξωτερικό κόσμο και διεισδύει μέσα μας, στα όνειρα, τις ευχές, τα ακόρεστα πάθη και κάποτε φτάνει στο σκοτάδι, αυτό που δεν θέλουμε να θυμόμαστε ότι υπάρχει, του δίνει μορφή, γίνεται ο ηχητικός προαγωγός των εφιαλτών μας, αναμοχλεύει την καταπιεσμένη μας βία, δίνοντας με τις νότες όσα ο Clive Barker δίνει με τις εικόνες και τις λέξεις. Εμπειρία συγκλονιστική, μοναδική, ασύγκριτη. Μετά από το πέρας του ακούσματος έψαξα έντρομος στον μικρό και ασφαλή χώρο του δωματίου μου τις αποδείξεις ότι είμαι ακόμη ζωντανός και ότι πρακτικά δεν έφυγα ποτέ από εκεί.Πάνος Πανότας MIC




Category: By the bug

Allegedly China’s only all-girl punk group, Hang On The Box are a blast – nothing new, nothing challenging – but an irresistible blast none the less. A compilation of the best bits from their previous far-eastern releases, ‘For Every Punk Bitch & Arsehole’ is a snappy slap around the head for much of the over-blown musical wind which regularly billows from the near neighbourhood of Japan. Delightfully simple and pop-infected, Hang On The Box are the sharp mid-point somewhere between Elastica and Huggy Bear, reared on a diet of sex, swearing and DIY-English. Sure, it’s one paced (i.e. fast) and some of the politics spouted veer to the dodgy, yet in the main, your head will be spinning and your feet stomping far too much to consider many negative thoughts.COMES WITH A SMILE

For Every Punk Bitch & Arsehole


non static caravan

Category: By the bug

o r i e n t a l j o u r n e y
ORIENTAL JOURNEY, an album like the soundtrack to a road-movie: Heading East, direction sunset, and direction new life! The Express Brass Band, for the first time to be heard on a record: a group of at least 15 brass wind instruments and percussionists.

On ORIENTAL JOURNEY - together with extremely different guests - the Express Brass Band draws up a swinging caravan, whose range is enduring from Soul, Jazz, African and East-European influences to Arabic touched Dub, classical piano from Azerbaijan and Hungarian opera-singing



Category: By the bug

Lucy Van Pelt plays songs influenced by 60s janglepop, Swedish pop, and pretty much anything else that makes people feel good. Presently comprising vocalist Aiko and guitarist Yoshiharu Ishizaka, the group was formed in 1995 as a four piece, named Lucy Van Pelt after the Peanuts character of the same name.



Bugallo-Williams Piano Duo

Category: By the bug


Category: By the bug

cause a commotion

Category: By the bug

Songs on the Radio, the first album from the Geezers, will make you sing. Promise. Great tunes, simple songs with some complex effects, and the best band name almost ever. Plus they do a rare thing with a sample and make a better song out of it than the original. Day in Day Out is the song Horse with no Name was always trying to be. From the look of other reviews the Geezers have split the constituency. I'm on their side. Lovely.

s-o-n-g-s o-n -t-h-e r-a-d-i-o



Category: By the bug

"Ludwig", the album of lausanne's trio, sublimates the experimental esthetics of the group in a brilliant melodic swirl. Recorded in the south of france in june 2002 and produced by london based mark van hoen (locust, seefeel, mojave 3, scala), "ludwig", velmas third album is the long-awaited follow-up to cyclique. "ludwig" is not less the very original album of a group in errance, and it is precisely what gives desire for following it. The melody, and the singing, which swims in it, shines in this last delivery of velma.