spring bike ride tape

Category: By the bug
brian eno-and then so clear
eric matthews to clear the air
figurine-my suitor
geezers of nazareth-car song
isan-damil 85
kathy diamond-sunshine
l.h.b-everybody sees it on my face
lewis taylor-the leader of the band
minotaur shock-first to back down
my computer-no more dealing
tahiti 80-fun fair
the egg -wall
trembling blue stars-what can i do to change your heart
yoshinori sunahara-love beat
anja garbarek-can i keep him

ticket to ride

noise libretto

Category: By the bug

mediums of sound sculpture

Category: By the bug

Οι περισσότερες αναφορές ή προτροπές για το ‘M.=Addiction’ στέκονται στη συμμετοχή εδώ της Malka Spigel των Minimal Compact. Δεν είναι αυτή όμως που έχει τον κύριο ρόλο πίσω από τους Dictaphone. Το project αυτό φαίνεται πως αποτελεί πρωτίστως υπόθεση ενός Βέλγου απ’ τις Βρυξέλλες, του Oliver Doerell, ο οποίος το 1990 τα μάζεψε για τη γοητεία των ιδιωματισμών του Βερολίνου. Όπως και να το κάνουμε, για τα ηλεκτρονικά, είναι μια από τις ευρωπαϊκές μητροπόλεις, με πληθώρα δρώμενων και απαράμιλλο παλμό. Και μόνον όταν το παρόν album αρχίζει να ξεδιπλώνεται ανακαλύπτει κανείς την καταλυτική επίδραση του περιβάλλοντος της πόλης στη δημιουργία του.

Μια δημιουργία που κράτησε σχεδόν τρία χρόνια, σαν παρατεταμένος τοκετός. Πολυ-οργανίστας ο ίδιος, ο Doerell έχει από το 2000 ως βασικό συνεργάτη του στους Dictaphone τον Roger Doring (σαξόφωνο, κλαρινέτο), ενώ συμμετέχουν ακόμα στο παρόν ο Klaus Bru (κυρίως στα πλήκτρα) και δύο ερμηνεύτριες, η Malka Spigel που αναφέραμε παραπάνω και η Heike Jeschonnek.

Το ‘M.=Addiction’ έχει μια πρωτόγνωρη, ήσυχη δύναμη, συστατικό που δεν συναντούμε συχνά σε έναν, κατά βάση, τόσο επιμελημένα μεταμοντέρνο δίσκο. Χωρίς να γίνεται ευθεία χρήση του ρυθμού, αυτός πηγάζει εμμέσως από την κινηματογραφική του ανάπτυξη, από τις εικόνες που πλάθει ερεθισμένη από τα ηχητικά του τοπία η φαντασία, δίνοντας την εντύπωση πως ο ιθύνον νους ποντάρει πολύ σε αυτή την εν παραλλήλω προβολή. Εξάλλου, ο Oliver Doerell έχει γράψει αρκετά scores για το θέατρο, όπως και ο Roger Doring τη μουσική για την ταινία ‘Alaska.de’ της Esther Gronenborn (το soundtrack από την Kitty-Yo), στοιχεία που και στην υποθετική περίπτωση που δεν θα είχαν καν γνωστοποιηθεί στον ακροατή, η ροή των έντεκα θεμάτων του cd θα αρκούσε από μόνη της για να γεννήσει τις ανάλογες υποψίες.

Η Malka Spigel αποδίδει μονοσήμαντα το ‘Tempelhof’. Παγερή και αισθησιακή ταυτόχρονα, οδηγεί με την άνεση μιας ειδικού το τραγούδι στο optimum. Μου είχε λείψει η αύρα της και μετά από δω φεύγω σφαίρα για μια επανακρόαση του ‘The Figure One Cuts’ των Minimal Compact. Καταγράψτε το στις παρενέργειες.

Έστω και αν έχει κυκλοφορήσει από το Νοέμβριο του 2002, το παρόν άλμπουμ περιμένει, σχεδόν αδημονεί, να το ανακαλύψετε. Κρατώντας την πολύχρωμη (ναι, πολύχρωμη!) ομορφιά του ως σφραγισμένο δώρο για όποιον περάσει μέσα από τον παραπλανητικά ασπρόμαυρο φλοιό του. Για την ιστορία ακολούθησε φέτος το Μάρτιο το ‘Nacht ep’, ένα εξίσου μαγευτικό 12’’ με τέσσερα θέματα (τα δύο της β’ πλευράς revisions από το παρόν).

Ένα εξαιρετικό cd, σίγουρα ανάμεσα στις σημαντικότερες κυκλοφορίες της City Centre Offices μέχρι σήμερα και στις πιο αυθεντικές μουσικές που έχει προτείνει. Πάνω από...

Πάνος Πανότας



from over yonder...

Category: By the bug


Category: By the bug

Ever since we discovered M83 and their gorgeous shimmery blissed out shoegazey electronic pop, we've been desparately trying to track down more stuff on Gooom, the French label that M83 (and Cyann & Ben as well) call home. While a lot of that stuff is already out of print, we did just manage to get a few titles in enough quantity to list. Purple Confusion actually features half of M83 as well as Gooom head honcho Jean-Philippe. So you can probably just imagine what this sounds like. Everybody who freaked out over the M83 will love this too. Take the My Bloody Valentine meets New Order sound of M83 add some propulsive Krautrock rhythms, some Stereolab rainy day mesmer, some DJ Shadow creepy ambience, and plenty of Autchere-ish skitter and glitch and you'll have a rough idea of where Purple Confusion are coming from. This is a brain bending, soul stirring blend of pop and fuzz and new wave and techno and glitchcore and dronerock and electro and all stops in between. Highly recommended. AQUARIUS RECORDS

you've been painting it blue....

Category: By the bug

....ο κολλητος του Nick Drake με τη μυστηρια μουρμουριστη συρτη φωνη βγαζει το 1973 ενα δισκο απιστευτης ομορφιας, ενα μιγμα jazz, blues, folk, prog γεματο μελωδια και συναισθημα...οι fans των Portishead ας σταματησουν να εκθειαζουν το Third και ας ασχοληθουν μ'αυτο...αν θελουν να ακουσουν ΤΡΑΓΟΥΔΙΑ...
sorry fans των portishead....

φιλ φορ φιλινγκς

Category: By the bug

αυτοί οι δυο πάνω δεξιά και κάτω είναι ο,τι απέμεινε απ' τον φιλ σπέκτορ: ένας ζαβός που βάζει το δάχτυλο στην πρίζα για να φτιάξει άφρο λουκ -την κάτω δεν τη σχολιάζω γιατί είναι μεγάλη παρασκευή και όσο νά' ναι η μέρα δεν ενδείκνυται...
τέλος πάντων, αυτός ο άνθρωπος κάποτε έγραφε κομματάρες, το παρακάτω άλμπουμ έχει μαζεμένα μερικά από τα "σπάνια" τραγούδια του και β' πλευρές από singles που σκάρωνε τότε που ήταν όπως στην ασπρόμαυρη και αξίζει το dnld...
φλιπς εντ ράριτιζ

david thomas

Category: By the bug

τα λεγαμε σημερα με τον S.Overdrive και τον Stargazer για το ποσο τεραστιος μουσικος ειναι ο David Thomas...τεραστιος κυριολεκτικα ..απο οποια πλευρα και αν το δεις..
οτι εχει κανει με τους Pere Ubu και με τους Two Pale Boys ειναι στη χειροτερη απλα καλο...
εδω live recordings με τους two pale boys..



Category: By the bug

τους αγαπημενους μου δισκους

" COMPUTADOR, the phantasmagoric multi media electro flamenco opera & VON MAGNET's new piece of agit pop is a hyperkinetic, colliding, grinding and melting of extreme elements of dance, action mime, theatre, sculpture, slides, cinema, symphony, appropriated noise, sax and flamenco guitar…"
"VON MAGNET is a collective of artists from Spain, France, Switzerland and the United States. In their new productions they present total theatre including physical action, music, visual art, video, film, and slides presentations. An electric torrent of flamenco rhythms mixed with computer tones, voices, acoustic guitar and timpani drums, film and industrial sounds. The public walking around during the performance is confused. Are they pawns, musicians, actors or queen in the electric chess game by VON MAGNET" ?
"Since its formation in formation in 1986, this international music plusultra group has gained both fame and infamy through its enormously expressive theatrical music shows and such experimental recordings as El sexo surrealista and Computador. Composed of a wide variety of musicians and performance artists, VON MAGNET defies all attempts at labelling. In every instance it breaches the very borders of rock, dance, electronics, flamenco and theatrics. (…) Because of the spectacular nature of the shows, VON MAGNET often find itself compared to LA FURA DELS BAUS. In truth, the two groups are worlds apart. VON MAGNET is hardly concerned with the creation of stunning effects for their own sake; but it is utterly dedicated to the transmission of higher states of feeling, particulary when displaying the deep emotive potentialities of flamenco."


a little more cheval please...

Category: By the bug

αξιον εστι

Category: By the bug


Category: By the bug

harold budd & hector zazou



φα φα,φακ οφ!

By the bug

δισ ιζ μαι(μου) λαστ ποστ


sweet hereafter

Category: By the bug

summer dayz

Category: By the bug

a very interesting label-UMOR REX

Category: By the bug

....here you can find buy and download the entire catalog of this great label


love darlene love

By the bug

la la la the shangri-las!

Category: By the bug

oh yes..shirelles

Category: By the bug

shirelles - best of




Category: By the bug

peace orchestra

Category: By the bug

Peace Orchestra
, the debut album by Kruder & Dorfmeister's Peter Kruder, suffers little for its lack of both producers. The kind of trance-state trip-hop that sounds freshly minted by God himself, these nine tracks belie the notion that trip-hop is a style scavenger, content to paste sampled jazz-funk over a few hip-hop breaks. Peace Orchestra is so lovingly crafted, so finely detailed, that comparisons with the glut of trip-hop sinking the market seems almost laughable. A languid clarinet line does a slow waltz with K&D's oft-used shuffle-beat on the highlight "Meister Petz," while "Double Drums" works a mutated tech-synth line with strong breakbeats. Kruder's musical sense comes from a variety of musical capitals, including Rio de Janeiro (the fine, delicate swing), New York (the jazz chords and shadings), East L.A. (Latin percussion), and London (acid house ). Only Kruder (or perhaps Dorfmeister) could distill so many elements into one cohesive album without risk of blandness or musical fragmentation(allmusic)
εκπληκτικος δισκος απο το ετερο ημισυ των kruder & dorfmeister...


take me out tonight....

By the bug

απ'ολες τις διασκευες που εχει γνωρισει αυτο το-ετσι κι αλλιως-υπεροχο τραγουδι,τουτη 'δω ειναι η ομορφοτερη




Category: By the bug

ο κυριος Martin Carr η αλλιως Bravecaptain εχει ετοιμο το νεο του αλμπουμ και το δινει free σε mp3 η wav μορφη εδω



cheval de frise

Category: By the bug

"Pastoral acoustic mathcore" was what someone wrote on the Cheval De Frise packet. Ah ha, ha, ha - I don't think so. Pastoral acoustic mathcore would be very nice - perhaps a Guitar Craft picking exercise, pared down by post-punk minimalism and softened by visions of green fields. Are Cheval De Frise like that? No. For the first seven minutes or so, Cheval De Frise seem absolutely demented. After that - and once the broken seizures of drumming and the intricate splatterwork of guitar has had time to get to work on your brain and your reflexes - you start to understand. Although your body will make the connection before your mind does. Right from the off, Bonvalet's playing is disturbingly wild; slamming down obsessively on a single note or isolated interval, or spasming music up, down or across the neck of the guitar. Beysselance's drumming is a boiling whirl of ideas and instincts, acted out with a brinksma cefulness, with enough breakneck substance both to keep the duo's momentum and to craze it with brilliant stress fractures.Evophonic Dann Chinn
la lame du mat

the seed has been planted

Category: By the bug

...compilation απο το πολυ καλο indie/electronica label Karaoke Kalk..του 2005

εδω review
εδω karaoke kalk
...και εδω γυμνη φωτο του ιλο ......



By the bug

σε οικογενειακο κυκλο παιξανε στο αν οι chap (ηταν δεν ηταν 100 ατομα..κριμα)

αυτοι παντος ηταν φοβεροι,πολυ δεμενη μπαντα με εναν ηχο τελειος δικο τους, που δεν θυμιζει σε τιποτα αγγλια (για αυτο ισως ειναι και τοσο καλοι)...
υπηρχαν στιγμες που τα σπασανε, με τον ντραμερ (φοβερη φυσιογνωμια) να δινει το δικο του ρεσιταλ...
κανανε και καποια σκετσακια, πολυ γκριματσα,διαφορα χιουμοριστικα σχολια..στο τελος πουλησανε και cd,7", 12" και t-shirts...
γενικως την χαρηκανε την βραδια και αυτοι και εμεις..οι λιγοι
αυτα τα λιγα (γενικως στα reviews ειμαι χαλια)
the chap - they have a name


seven nation army

By the bug

seven nation army
απο nostalgia 77 (ρεγγε ρυθμος και φοβερα σοουλ φωνητικα απο alice russell)


By the bug

εδω η εκπληκτικη διασκευη του ryan adams στο wonderwall...
ακομα και στους ιδιους τους oasis αρεσε...



Category: By the bug

bim sherman+andrian sherwood+talvin singh+bombay orchestra



creator has a master plan

Category: By the bug

Pharoah Sanders' third album as a leader is the one that defines him as a musician to the present day. After the death of Coltrane, while there were many seeking to make a spiritual music that encompassed his ideas and yearnings while moving forward, no one came up with the goods until Sanders on this 1969 date. There are only two tracks on
Karma, the 32-plus minute "The Creator Has a Master Plan" and the five-and-a-half-minute "Colours." The band is one of Sanders' finest, and features vocalist Leon Thomas, drummer Billy Hart, Julius Watkins, James Spaulding, a pre-funk Lonnie Liston Smith, Richard Davis, Reggie Workman on bass, and Nathaniel Bettis on percussion. "Creator" begins with a quote from "A Love Supreme," with a nod to Coltrane's continuing influence on Sanders. But something else emerges here as well: Sanders' own deep commitment to lyricism and his now inherent knowledge of Eastern breathing and modal techniques. His ability to use the ostinato became not a way of holding a tune in place while people soloed, but a manner of pushing it irrepressibly forward. Keeping his range limited (for the first eight minutes anyway), Sanders explores all the colors around the key figures, gradually building the dynamics as the band comps the two-chord theme behind with varying degrees of timbral invention. When Thomas enters at nine minutes, the track begins to open. His yodel frees up the theme and the rhythm section to invent around him. At 18 minutes it explodes, rushing into a silence that is profound as it is noisy in its approach. Sanders is playing microphonics and blowing to the heavens and Thomas is screaming. They are leaving the material world entirely. When they arrive at the next plane, free of modal and interval constraints, a new kind of lyricism emerges, one not dependent on time but rhythm, and Thomas and Sanders are but two improvisers in a sound universe of world rhythm and dimension. There is nothing to describe the exhilaration that is felt when this tune ends, except that "Colours," with Ron Carter joining Workman on the bass, was the only track that could follow it. You cannot believe it until you hear it (allmusic)
pharoah sanders-karma

Ωραιες Εποχες Μερος Δευτερον

By the bug
.....αυτο το ειχα σε Basf 90αρα με Gang Of Four(I Love A Man In A Uniform)
Yarbrough& Peoples(Don't Stop The Music)....και καποιο ΖΖΤοp νομιζω...


double fantasy....

Category: By the bug




Category: By the bug

Amon Tobin

By the bug

Εδώ ενα μιξ του Mr. Amon Tobin κι εδώ το site

The Cherry Orchard

Category: By the bug

The title This World Is Such a Groovy Place might sound like it should accompany the sort of ultra-cheesy, unnaturally upbeat music that makes you want to kill yourself, but from the first track on, The Cherry Orchard make a convincing argument that their world is, indeed, a groovy place. That opening song, “Everybody Knows”, is so fabulously pop that it swings you along in seconds, using a bright swoosh of horns and an addictive hook to brighten up your life.

From there on, The Cherry Orchard take you through an array of pop songs with a laid-back, slightly jazzy feel. Some are augmented by horns, some rely more on guitar and synthesizers, but all feature the vocals of the group’s two members, Jason Smith and Sara Onyett. Smith more often takes a lead role, and his voice for whatever reason recalls the pop music that covered the airwaves in the early 1980s more than it does the sounds of today.
This World Is Such a Groovy Place, their second full-length, is an unabashed celebration of love. This group is all about love, and proud of it, whether they’re giving universal, almost new-age proclamations ("feel the love”, they incessantly repeat on “Bubble Gum Pop Girl") or singing about love affairs. The later topic is all over the album; there’s songs about relationships that should have happened, that did happen and are missed, and that are thriving right now.
Starry nights, sunny afternoons and laid-back summers are the romantic backdrop for every song. “Hey! It’s a Beautiful Day” is both the self-explanatory title of one song and a description of the duo’s unending optimism. “A love like ours was meant to be…and all these stars shine just for you and me”, Smith sings on “Love Among the Stars”, and it’s a feeling that runs through every track. Even a song with a more lovelorn feeling is till infused with optimism, like “Feels Like Sunday”. Here Smith might be missing his lover, but he still knows that if he “could hold her, then everything would be all right”.
In a way, The Cherry Orchard’s songs are a concise summary of the universal conceit of lovers, the feeling when you’re in love that the world was created just for you, and that nothing can ruin your happiness. What makes it irresistible instead of irritating is the sheer giddiness of it all and, even more importantly, the skillfulness of the melodies and arrangements. Love is everywhere, The Cherry Orchard are saying. It’s a message that seems naïve in a way, except for the fact that this isn’t an attempt at documentary. The Cherry Orchard may not be describing the world around us but writing their ideal world into existence. The world depicted in This World… isn’t our world, but a created world where love is gentle, sweet, and everywhere. It’s a world where love is the question, the answer, and everything in between, where the sun shines equally for all and everything is groovy, all of the time. POPMATTERS

free jazz

Category: By the bug

εδω δε χωρανε λογια..
ornette coleman-free jazz

ΜΕΓΑΛΕΙΩΔΕΣ...αλλα και δυσκολο για οσους δεν ξερουν τι τους περιμενει..
coleman στο alto sax και μαζι του οι εξης (dream team):
eric dolphy-bass
donald cherry-pocket trumpet
freddie hubbard-trumpet
scott lafaro-bass
charlie haden-bass
billy higgins-drums
ed blackwell-drums
στο Λυκαβηττο στις 11 Ιουλιου..


Category: By the bug

κυκλοφόρησε το 2001 σε παραγωγή του Gira στην Young God (όπου μπορείς και να το αγοράσεις)

κι αυτό το 2005 στήν important records και βρίσκεται εύκολα στην amazon
Και τι λέει ο πολύς Scaruffi

[S. Overdive]


Category: By the bug

..επειδη μου τη λεει συνεχεια ο ιλος για τα ελληνικα,οριστε ενα απο τα καλυτερα
soundtrack ελληνικης ταινιας.....



By the bug
....καποτε το ειχα σε μια 60αρα TDK με το Trooper των Maiden,το Big Apple των Kajagoogoo και το Moon Over Moscow των Visage..Ωραιες εποχες...!!


black is the color

Category: By the bug
Like a reincarnated Pentangle for the neo-psychedelic folk crowd, newly expanded Philadelphia sextet the Espers come full circle on their intoxicating EP Weed Tree. Less murky than their self-titled debut, Tree is a bright, fluid, and promising collection of six covers and one original that sees the group poised for an explosive (quietly, that is) full-length record in the near future. The Espers mine the traditional ("Rosemary Lane," "Black Is the Color") with grace and reverence, keeping the framework steeped in enough British folk acoustics that when a keyboard appears out of nowhere it's not at all intrusive; rather it's the lightening bolt in a gray sky that illuminates the crows below. Speaking of dark imagery, the collective's creepy rendition of Blue Oyster Cult's "Flaming Telepaths" from 1974's Secret Treaties stays surprisingly true to its source. A haunting version of Manchester, England, post-punk outfit Durutti Column's"Tomorrow" is also a highlight, with the refreshingly clear voices of Meg Baird and Greg Weeks finding the perfect middle ground between despair and serenity. Weed Tree could have been an exercise in tedium, but like fellow interpreter Alasdair Roberts, the Espers have more than a love for the sound of late-'60s acid folk; they have a vision for its future (allmusic)
αχ αυτη η εκτελεση του black is the color...και του flaming telepaths που οργιαζουν μετα το 6'..
espers - the weed tree

lovely ladies

Category: By the bug

κατοπιν παραγγελιας (απο kite)...
the ronettes-best of

bubba ho-tep

Category: By the bug

....ενας γερασμενος και παρατημενος Elvis παρεα με τον μαυρο John F Kennedy και οι δυο τροφιμοι ενος γηροκομειου ερχονται αντιμετωποι με μια αιγυπτιακη μουμια που σκοτωνει ηλικιωμενους ρουφωντας τις ψυχες τους....
Απιθανη ταινια με ακομα πιο απιθανο θεμα που στην ουσια πραγματευεται την φιλια, την μοναξια της τριτης ηλικιας και τα χαμενα ονειρα......
Ρεσιταλ ερμηνειας απο τους δυο σπουδαιους ηθοποιους Bruce Campbell και Ossie Davis, και ενα καταπληκτικο soundtrack απο τον Brian Tyler ....
bubba ho-tep



Category: By the bug

Created in 2001, this band from Guadalajara (México) has developed an unique voice. Based on the idea of the contrast between emotions in a brief period of time, their songs are a clear consecuence of years of zapping and fagmented information from the media. The result is funny, disturbing and moving.
With influences such as Mike Patton, The Locust, Regina Spektor, Danny Elfman, and with a wide variety of genres running through their music, (punk, noise core, lullaby, country, rock n roll, cabaret, etc.) they manage to be sinister and amusing at the same time.
Since 2005 they´ve been continously working, and they´ve recorded their first album (Paper Dolls, Intolerancia 2007) wich has had an amazing reception from the press in México, and has been considered one of the best starting points for a band in the history of rock music in this country. They´ve opened concerts for Sonic Youth, Yeah,Yeah,Yeahs, Yo La Tengo, Explosions in the Sky, Stereo Total, beside important bands from the mexican scene. They´ve also relased their first video on the song “My Sweetest Headache Waltz” and are working nowadays on the material for their next album, to be released by the fall of 2008.
Their act is energetic and theatrical, using disguises to create bizarre scenes, as a canvas being deconstructed during the show.
The band line up is: Sandrushka Petrova (vocals, guitar), Charlovski (bass), Daphne (vocals, guitar, violin), Androv (Keyboards) and Frankovitch (Drums). SXSW.COM
descartes a kant



Category: By the bug

Ο Gallo (εγωπαθής, ψωνισμένος, αχώνευτος) με το Brown Bunny έκανε πάρα πολυ ντόρο γύρω απο το όνομα του (κι όχι μόνο) . Ο λόγος; Η πιο διάσημη κινηματογραφική πίπα. Κατα τ'άλλα η ταινία έφαγε τρελό θάψιμο απο κριτικούς και πέθανε στο Box Office. Το
Brown Bunny σίγουρα δεν είναι αριστούργημα. Είναι αργό (πολύ αργό) και γενικά ανοίκει στην κατηγορία ταινιών που "δεν γίνεται τίποτα". Παρόλαυτα είναι μια ενδιαφέρουσα ταινία, που αν παρακάμψεις το ναρκισισμό του Gallo και μπείς στο ρυθμό της έχει αρκετά να δώσει. Το soundtrack είναι καταπληκτικό κι έχει διάφορα παλιά φολκυ και τζαζ κομμάτια καθώς και μερικές lo-fi μπαλάντες του John Frusciante (καμία σχέση με peppers).

Μπραουν Μπανι ΟΣΤ

plus device

Category: By the bug
It's easy to get caught up in the guessing game surrounding Plus Device's identity. Their web site is coyly evasive and Hefty itself only concedes that the group is "a secret side project of two well-known electronic producers" and one with apparent Detroit connections. While Plus Device's sound is far from generic, its heavy embrace of classic Detroit techno - basic drum machines, Moog synthesizers, Rhodes piano, the Roland TB-303 - tends to camouflage the individuating touches that reveal immediately a particular artist's signature. Having said that, there's no question Puncture's acid-drenched "Our Pleasures (Realization)" and especially its drum machine workout and voice slicing could be the handiwork of 2 AM/FM, the Spectral duo of Tadd Mullinix and Marc Cantu. On the other hand, tracks like the syncopated electro-funkster "Ultra Seductive," "Absorb," and euphoric "My, To Make You Feel" could be by Hefty artist Eliot Lipp or Warp's Jimmy Edgar, so intently do they squeeze every last bit of juice from their squealing Moogs. No matter whose hands are twirling the knobs, Puncture's fresh fusion of classic and contemporary electronic sounds will strongly appeal to fans of classic (Mantronix, Drexciya, Model 500, Kraftwerk) and current acts (2 AM/FM, James T. Cotton, Jimmy Edgar and Eliot Lipp). HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.



Category: By the bug

Χατζηδακικό psych-pop
Δυο μικρά γαλάζια άλογα
Η γιαγιά
[S. Overdive]


Category: By the bug
...φαινομενικα αδιαφορα brutal death/grind συγκροτηματα με μια ιδιαιτεροτητα που τους κανει να ξεχωριζουν(?)...οι μεν Ηatebeak εχουν για τραγουδιστη εναν....παπαγαλο οι δε Caninus...δυο pit bull....γαβ!!!


