No.14.gong gong-mary's spring
''...Erring on the side of experimental is often a dangerous thing, all style over substance and groove and rhythms lost to the expense of weirdness. Mary’s Spring however, manages to combine a double bass, hands splashing in baths, ringing telephones and bleeps from a galaxy far far away into an album so charming, enchanting and good I want to leave my wife and dedicate myself to a life of sonic experimentation.''
...εμείς τίποτα;;;..!
...συμπαθέστατο δισκάκι + πρωτότυπο άκουσμα !
...έτσι..έτσι..η αναζήτηση του ξαφνιάσματος στη μουσική ειναι βασική μας προτεραιότητα!...έτσι.
..έτσι..που λέει κι ο Καρούλιας !