The Towering Inferno

Category: By the bug

''The British ensemble known as Towering Inferno take music to grand scales on Kaddish, a nearly 75-minute long electronic elegy of beats, voices, and screaming instrumentation performed in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Composed by Richard Wolfson and Andy Saunders, the music on Kaddish ranges from metal guitar to sampled cantors to echoing drum synths--often on the same track. Jazz, classical, Middle-Eastern, metal, electronica, and prog rock all feature prominently here, meshing together for epic effect. The beats on "Occupation" crescendo at the three-minute mark as the voice samples of Hitler, a Nazi, and a rabbi all collide. The driving strings and voices of "The Ruin" hark back to Steve Reich's legendary New Music composition "Different Trains." Best heard on headphones and all at once, this disc can be somber and riveting''



2 comments so far.

  1. Ανώνυμος 22 Νοεμβρίου 2009 στις 11:44 μ.μ.
    Absolute stunning work. Thanks. Long live Towering Inferno.
  2. Unknown 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2009 στις 4:43 μ.μ.
    Delicioso disco. tasty disk

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